Our Programmes – For Business

Enhance your workforce's retirement journey with our tailored organisation retirement programmes.

Retiring Point

Our Online Retirement Readiness Programmes for Organisations

Our online retirement programmes can be tailored to meet the needs of both individual users and organisations. While private individuals can choose to purchase our standard Bronze, Silver or Gold Programmes – 

Organisations have access to customised packages.

We are committed to assisting organisations in effectively supporting their employees as they prepare for retirement. Whether it’s a small or medium-sized enterprise or a multinational corporation, our online retirement programmes empower employees to navigate the non-financial aspects of retirement planning confidently.

Recognising the uniqueness of every business, our team is prepared to collaborate closely with organisations to craft tailored programmes that align with their objectives and budgetary considerations. As part of their broader benefits package for employees, organisations may seek tailored retirement planning solutions including access to personalised online 1:1 coaching, group workshops or a mix of both 1:1 and group sessions, which could be included in our tailored organisation programmes.

With our dedicated account management, we ensure smooth programme implementation and ongoing support tailored to the unique requirements of each company.

Interested parties are encouraged to contact us to discuss requirements so we can then tailor a programme to meet needs.

Contact us today!

Three examples of tailored organisation RetiringPoint programmes requested by clients:

Example Programme 1

1:1 Coaching Programme
  • Pre-programme virtual contracting session (30mins) with each retiree.
  • RetiringPoint online retirement modules provided to each retiree for completion along with 1:1 coaching support .
  • Six fortnightly 1:1 virtual coaching sessions of 1 hour with an experienced RetiringPoint coach, to support and challenge each retiree’s thinking and encourage changes needed during retirement.
  • Post-programme review and next steps virtual session (30mins) with each retiree.

Example Programme 2

Group Workshops Programme
  • Pre-programme virtual contracting session (30mins) with each retiree.
  • RetiringPoint online retirement modules provided to each retiree for completion along with group workshop support.
  • Six fortnightly highly interactive, facilitated group virtual workshops of 2 hours with an experienced RetiringPoint coach, to support and challenge each retiree’s thinking and encourage change needed during retirement.
  • Post-programme review and next steps virtual session(30mins) with each retiree.

Example Programme 3

1:1 + Group Workshop Hybrid Programme
  • Pre-programme virtual contracting session (30mins) with each retiree.
  • RetiringPoint online retirement modules provided to each retiree for completion along with 1:1 coaching & group workshop support.
  • Four monthly highly interactive, facilitated group virtual workshops of 1.5 hours plus a follow-up 1:1 coaching session (30mins) for each retiree after each workshop, with an experienced RetiringPoint coach to support and challenge each retiree’s thinking and encourage change needed during retirement.
  • Post-programme review and next steps virtual session (30mins) with each retiree.
Contact Us
Get in Touch
We are here to support you and your employees at every stage of the retirement readiness journey. Should you have any questions, feedback, or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.