

Preparing you for the emotional rollercoaster before, during and after retiring. We support and encourage you through your transition into retirement life.
Retiring Point

About RetiringPoint

Buckle up for an emotional journey!

At RetiringPoint, our dedicated team is here to accompany you on the exhilarating journey of retirement, extending our support through the moments leading up to, during, and after your significant transition. We understand that retirement marks a profound shift in your life, and we are committed to being your trusted guide every step of the way.

We recognize that the journey is multifaceted, involving emotional, social, and personal dimensions. With our expertise and support, we’ll help you explore what your ideal retirement should look like and feel like. Through psychological preparation and personalised guidance, we’ll assist you in bringing your retirement vision to life.

Whether you’re feeling excited, anxious, or a mix of both, our dedicated team is here to ensure you embrace your retirement life with confidence and clarity. We offer a nurturing environment where you can freely express your concerns, explore your aspirations, and cultivate a vibrant post-retirement existence.

Join us and take the first step towards crafting the retirement you’ve always imagined. Get ready to embark on a new chapter filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Let us be your trusted companion through this emotional rollercoaster, providing guidance, resources, and a compassionate ear whenever you need it. Together, we’ll help you unleash the potential and joy that retirement has to offer.

Are you ready to design your ideal retirement? Let’s get started!

Retiring Point

Retirement Readiness Programme

Access Online Modules For Retirement

Our online Programme serves as a comprehensive resource that guides retirees through a step-by-step process of developing a retirement roadmap tailored to their unique needs, goals, and aspirations. It enbles individuals to actively shape their retirement future by providing valuable information, tools, and resources to support them in creating a well-rounded and fulfilling retirement plan.

The Programme offers interactive modules and tools to help users explore various aspects of retirement planning. Through the Programme, individuals can assess their current situation, determine their retirement goals, and develop strategies to enhance their retirement experience. They are provided with resources and exercises that encourage self-reflection, exploration of interests and passions, and the identification of activities and opportunities that align with their desired retirement lifestyle.

The advantage of our online programme is its accessibility and flexibility. Users can proceed through the modules at their own pace and access the programme from the convenience of their own homes. This allows individuals to navigate the programme modules independently while still receiving tailored guidance and recommendations based on their preferences and goals.

The RetiringPoint Programmes

We offer standard Personal Programmes as well as tailored Organisation Programmes (click here) to support employees approaching retirement.
Standard Personal Programmes

Embark on a multifaceted, enlightening and transformative journey towards retirement preparedness, navigating a meticulously structured and comprehensive Retirement Readiness Programme. The programme is intricately composed of precisely designed modules, each woven to provide a panoramic understanding of crucial elements vital for a well-prepared and deeply fulfilling retirement.

Begin your expedition with an immersive self-assessment process, structured to serve as a compass, offering a nuanced and exhaustive evaluation of your readiness for the intricacies of retirement. This comprehensive evaluation not only highlights your existing strengths but also offers a refined look at specific areas that may necessitate further attention while shaping your personalized retirement plan. Delving into these assessments offers invaluable insights into the areas necessitating calibration, preparing you comprehensively for the journey ahead and ensuring a robust foundation as you step into this new phase of life.

One of the most intriguing and introspective facets of the programme is the exploration of retirement personalities. Uncover the delicate and unique traits that form your retirement persona, shedding light on how these individual characteristics shape your perceptions, decisions, and overall approach to retirement. This segment offers a profound journey into self-discovery, aligning your retirement strategies shedding light on how these individual characteristics shape your perceptions, decisions, and overall approach to retirement.

Transitioning from a lifelong work identity to the rich tapestry of retirement life is a pivotal and deeply personal aspect covered within the programme. Navigate through the intricacies of letting go, of relinquishing the past, exploring uncharted territories, and crafting a fresh narrative for your post-career existence. This segment serves as a guiding compass through the complexities of this transformation, empowering you to embrace the newfound freedoms, self-determination, and the liberty to choose and prioritize the persona you aspire to be in your retirement years.

At the heart of the journey lies the emotional intelligence module, an indispensable cornerstone. Emotions play a significant role during the retirement transition, and this segment equips you with a profound understanding of these emotional landscapes. It not only fosters the management and navigation of these emotions but also offers a comprehensive understanding of the emotional impacts associated with changing relationships, providing you with strategies to navigate these shifts successfully.

Throughout the programme, participants in the SILVER and GOLD PLANS will have the opportunity to engage in virtual coaching sessions conducted by experienced and qualified RetiringPoint coaches. These personalised sessions, lasting 40 minutes each, will be delivered via the Zoom and Skype platforms. The flexibility of selecting preferred dates and times ensures that participants can comfortably schedule the sessions to accommodate their needs. Furthermore, the focus of each coaching session will be defined by participants through email communication with their assigned coach in the week leading up to the session. This customized approach allows for targeted guidance and support, effectively addressing individual concerns and maximizing the value derived from the coaching experience.

1. Pulse Check for Retirement Preparedness

1. Pulse Check for Retirement Preparedness

Delve into a thorough self-assessment designed to gauge your readiness for retirement. This in-depth evaluation considers vital aspects, offering a comprehensive overview of your strengths and areas needing more focus in the creation of your personalized retirement plan. Understand where adjustments are necessary and gain insights into how to navigate the impending changes effectively.

2. Retirement Persona Personality Profile

2. Retirement Persona Personality Profile

Uncover your unique retirement personality type and unravel how it shapes your perceptions, decisions, and overall approach to retirement. By exploring your personal preferences, this module encourages you to challenge your comfort zone, providing a clear roadmap for crafting a retirement that aligns with your individuality and desires.

3. Balancing Time Investment

3. Balancing Time Investment

Reflect on the current imbalances in how you invest your time. This introspective phase aims to trigger the changes needed for a more fulfilling life. Reassess and reallocate your time, gaining clarity on your starting point to direct yourself toward the retirement lifestyle you aspire to live.

4. Re-defining Retirement Identity

4. Re-defining Retirement Identity

Address the challenges surrounding the shift from your pre-retirement work identity to a new, self-defined persona for retirement. Explore, redefine, and embrace this transition positively, utilizing the freedom to choose and prioritize the person you wish to become in your retirement years.

5. Planning Your Retirement Vision

5. Planning Your Retirement Vision

Develop a detailed one-page plan to translate your clarified Retirement Vision into reality. This involves focusing on essential elements such as family life, physical and mental health, social connections, financial stability, travel and adventure, hobbies, personal growth, and work. Create a roadmap tailored to your aspirations and needs.

6. Retirement Emotional Intelligence Profile

6. Retirement Emotional Intelligence Profile

Gain a deep understanding of the emotions likely to surface during your retirement transition. This profile not only helps you comprehend these emotions but also equips you with strategies to manage them effectively. Additionally, it sheds light on the emotional impacts of changing relationships, offering insights to navigate these shifts successfully.

By combining emotional preparedness, personality influences, identity transitions, time investment realignment, and personalised coaching, our programme offers a profound and holistic approach, ensuring that you’re emotionally and psychologically primed for a deeply fulfilling and rewarding retirement journey. Join us on this comprehensive and transformative journey, ensuring that you’re emotionally and psychologically equipped for the fulfilling retirement you deserve.

At RetiringPoint, we're committed to helping you craft a retirement that is not just a milestone, but the beginning of an enriching new chapter in your life.

Retiring Point

Where We Support & Challenge


The Journey Towards Retirement Commences: As you step into the final months of your career, the undeniable truth is dawning upon you. The time to bid farewell to the routines and camaraderie you've grown accustomed to is drawing near. It's a moment filled with mixed emotions and the start of an exhilarating emotional rollercoaster ride, akin to the anticipation before a looping rollercoaster.


The Countdown Begins: Every tick of the clock heightens the reality that soon you'll enter a world separate from the familiar. The forthcoming transition is both thrilling and bittersweet, reminiscent of the ascent before a plunge. The unknown awaits, tempting and nerve-wracking all at once.


Embracing Uncertainty: Rather than fearing the uncertainties that retirement brings, see them as opportunities for growth and exploration. This newfound freedom beckons you to dive into uncharted territories, engaging in hobbies, passions, and adventures that have long awaited their turn. Similar to the twists and turns of a rollercoaster, retirement holds moments of reflection, inspiration, and the chance to build new memories.


The Whirlwind of Emotions: Just like any rollercoaster ride, there will be ups and downs along this journey. The excitement of embarking on a new chapter might be intermingled with a touch of nostalgia or uncertainty. Recognize that experiencing a wide range of emotions is normal as you navigate this transition. Each loop the loop brings with it a sense of accomplishment, reminding you of the fulfillment that comes from a life well-lived.


Buckle Up for the Ride: Fasten your seatbelt as your retirement emotional rollercoaster ride commences. Embrace the twists and turns that lie ahead. This is your time to create new memories, and to embrace the incredible moments that await. Allow yourself to fully embrace the diverse array of emotions and experiences that retirement brings. Hold on tight and let the adventure unfold!


You're Approached with an Unexpected Early Retirement: Imagine finding yourself at a crossroad you didn't anticipate, faced with the prospect of an early retirement package. This sudden turn of events has caught you off guard, leaving little time for preplanning and sparking a rush of mixed emotions.


Navigating Uncertainty: In your late 50s or 60s, having dedicated years to your career, the news of redundancy can be overwhelming. Without a solid retirement plan in place, the path ahead seems uncertain and daunting. It feels like boarding a rollercoaster that was set in motion before you were ready.


The Premature Start of the Retirement Emotional Rollercoaster: Suddenly thrust onto the retirement emotional rollercoaster earlier than expected, the journey ahead may appear more formidable than initially envisioned. Fears and worries intensify as you grapple with the sudden shifts in your life's trajectory.


Embracing the Unexpected Journey: Although this may not be the retirement timeline you envisioned, it's essential to find ways to adapt and navigate this new phase. Just like a rollercoaster ride, there will be twists, turns, and unexpected surprises along the way. By embracing the challenges, you can discover hidden opportunities and create moments of fulfillment and joy.


Preparing for New Heights: While this may seem like an unplanned plunge, it also presents you with a chance to recalibrate and build a retirement plan that suits your current situation. Take time to assess your financial resources, explore new avenues for personal growth and fulfillment, and seek guidance from professionals who specialize in navigating the complexities of unexpected early retirement.


Remember, rollercoaster rides can be exhilarating, despite the initial fear. Embrace the journey, focus on the silver linings, and trust that with resilience and adaptability, you can make the most of this unexpected twist in your retirement story.


The Retirement Honeymoon is Over: As the initial excitement of retirement subsides, you find yourself not experiencing the blissful state you had envisioned. The post-retirement phase is presenting new challenges and emotions that differ from your expectations.

Coping with Uncharted Territory: Navigating through this unanticipated phase requires adjusting your mindset and developing resilient coping mechanisms. Understand that it's normal to encounter bumps along the way as retirement unfolds. Allow yourself time and space to adapt to the new realities and seek support from loved ones or professionals who can provide guidance.

Reflecting on Expectations: Take a moment to reassess your initial hopes and expectations for retirement. Recognize that realities rarely align exactly with imagination. By acknowledging your feelings and reassessing your goals, you can realign your mindset to find fulfillment in this new chapter.

Embracing the Unplanned Excitement: Although the retirement rollercoaster has thrown you off-balance, remember that unexpected moments can also bring excitement and growth. Embrace the opportunity to explore new interests, connect with others, or take on new ventures. The twists and turns may lead to unexpected joys and fulfillment that you hadn't anticipated.

Finding Balance and Joy: As you navigate this unanticipated loop the loop, focus on finding a balance that brings contentment and joy to your retirement. Engage in activities that nurture your well-being, invest time in meaningful relationships, and celebrate small victories along the way. Remember, it's never too late to redefine what retirement means to you and create a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Hold on tight as the rollercoaster of retirement continues its journey, and trust that with resilience and an open mind, you can embrace the unexpected loops and find moments of happiness amidst the twists and turns.
Retiring Point

Pricing Plans

Outlined below are the personal price plans for purchasing our programmes. The pricing for tailored organisation programmes will be provided following consultation. 

Personal Pricing Plans

Bronze Programme

5 Modules - No Virtual Coaching Sessions
£ 100
  • Retirement Pulse Check
  • Retirement Personality Type
  • Clarify Your Retirement Vision
  • Create Your Retirement Identity
  • Realise Your Retirement Vision

Silver Programme

6 Modules + x2 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions
£ 280
  • Retirement Pulse Check
  • Retirement Personality Type
  • Clarify Your Retirement Vision
  • Create Your Retirement Identity
  • Realise Your Retirement Vision
  • Retirement Emotional Intelligence
  • TWO 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

Gold Programme

6 Modules + x6 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions
£ 660
  • Retirement Pulse Check
  • Retirement Personality Type
  • Clarify Your Retirement Vision
  • Create Your Retirement Identity
  • Realise Your Retirement Vision
  • Retirement Emotional Intelligence
  • SIX 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

Don't wait any longer!

Embrace the abundant potential that awaits you and embark on a profoundly fulfilling retirement today!

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Capture the opportunity!

Step into the realm of endless possibilities that lies ahead and start your deeply rewarding retirement journey right now!

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We are here to support you at every stage of your retirement preparation journey. Should you have any questions, feedback, or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.